Hello everyone! Neiroh Sells has gone through a bit of an overhaul that has been worked on for the last few months behind the scenes!
We have a new logo and mascot art from some very lovely artists who worked with us! Expect to see more art in the future for promotions and posts.
You are now able to filter results by new and pre-owned in our in-stock sections. We didn't have this capability before but now you don't have to worry about figuring it out yourself. There are also availability and price filters you can use!
A news section has been added (you are here), where we will post things such as items delays, convention announcements, or other important news!
With this new layout, we may experience some errors or issues that weren't found before publishing. If you encounter a problem, please reach out to us through social media or our support email!
We hope to keep providing anime goods to you for years to come!
Mascot Chibi: @OrangeeQueen on Twitter
Brand Logo Head Silhouette: @ganymedeVT on Twitter