About Us

Neiroh Sells started in 2020 as a hobby on Instagram but by 2022, we became an official business with a website! We are a small team of 1 to 3 people at most (usually while working at conventions), we don't have dozens of employees helping like larger collectible stores. 

I started because I love anime and collecting merchandise for my favorite characters and series. With a growing collection, I was acquiring things I didn't need or want so I began to sell them to other collectors. Now I help tons of anime/manga good collectors by importing hundreds of items every month.

Today, I can offer new, pre-owned, and preorder items to all over the world. Getting exclusive Japanese and Chinese merchandise is something I love to do to grow mine and others collections! 

I hope to continue this journey with you all into the future!



Our first in-person event: Nyancon 2022! 



A mini-event during the Colossalcon Prime 2023 flea market!


Our second event at Great Lakes Geek Fest.


Our first 3-day event at Matsuricon 2024.


Other conventions we have been at:

Zipcon 2024



Mascot Chibi: @OrangeeQueen on Twitter

Brand Logo Head Silhouette: @ganymedeVT on Twitter